Tuesday, September 29, 2009

my last science tuition

just came back from last science tuition.
i dun care that i no time to study..did not do my hw, i must post this blog to day.
our teacher-mr chin

this is our last day for our science tuition...we decided to make a card to our teacher.mr.chin. at the very last minute..we wrote our wishes note n stuff.everyone have some many stuff to mention about..after he received the card ,he said some very touching words and some preparation for pmr..he said..i teach in this tuition centre for 7 years..this year.this class is the most special class among some many years..the nosiest.the naughtiest.asking many stupid questions.love chapter 4. the girl that always came late in the history but came early today.*tats me* and aso the smartest.the most hardworking class..lol

and also this is the last day to meet my friends because we studied in different school.i try to take this precious time talk to my friends...bringing more happy memories.i really missed u girls.we might meet next year or not..u r all my friends that shared through happy times and really stupid times.i will remembered all that in my heart.

yea..THANK YOU everyone! the caring of my friends..the guidance from the teacher

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