Sunday, January 22, 2012

stepping stones

every steps that i've move,
every decision that i've made,
every question that i've answer,are all new to me.

i m still cooping with all the new u know i was a pure science student and i m now a pure arts what else?! work hard la. LOL
I like my college much.MCKL rocks.EHHH.PPL DONT LOOK DOWN on my college kay.
i've made awesome+caring+pretty friends!

Must most important,i need the #LORD to hold me and guide me on every step i move.


Friday, January 6, 2012

my new year resolutions

okay.this is it. 2012 new year resolutions

  • survive in college

  • make alot new friends i still miss my old friends okay :)

  • not to get any late slip i m not a prefect anymore.i cant run away from it.

  • study very very hard! oh.austmat is very difficult

  • get into australia university

  • financial breakthrough

  • continue to serve the Lord

  • improve my english cingconglinong ding dong

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! super big hugs from vivienn <3

heeellooo 2012. goodbye 2011

my new point of life begins.*drums roll* tadaaaa

my college life immediately begins in the early of 2012.way to early! haihh
is so different from high school.

  • teacher -> lecturer

  • school->college

  • must pass up yr homework on time ->u're DEAD after yr deadline

  • little note pads -> test pads..etc "so called adult stationary"

in high school or even primary school,teachers tend to spoon feed us in order to get the things done.decisions will be made by mostly teachers or parents. even our english essay is college things go way OPPOSITE. quick decisions must be made on yr own.we basically treated as adults.

for the 5th day of college,i m consider alright.i am still surviving.learning to be independent away from the comfort zone.

dear Lord,hold me now :)

Monday, January 2, 2012


YEC = youth empowerment camp
at first i was like ehleh,just another leadership camp.teman my friend puimun, and hav fun lah.

this is what i thought.but i was___WRONG

YEC was way way awesome.much more that i hav ever imagine.i was mentally and physically change! im exaggerating . i learn things that i dont learn in church, i dont hav that kinda "burden" .u will know it u really know me.i can be me.JUST ME.

i was physically change cause the food was not so offence.the games was all physically challenge.if u wanna be skinnier,go YEC. LOL

not only that,i get to make new friends from the whole malaysia. i met friends from pahang,kuatan,negeri sembilan,johor and blah blah!! so cool right! and it was so great to mix around with them.because of the duration of time spent with them,there's zero burden.i just talk and share without hindrances!

i just wanna say YEC 2011 rocks! wooooooooooooots!